Ep. 45 - High Achievers

I’m the assistant coach on my son’s little league team this season. And I’m noticing the proclivity of parents (myself included at times) to demand excellence. I link this back to when I was young and noticed that my brother’s naturally high achieving abilities never got lectured. But I was lectured ALLLL the time. So I started achieving more, and more, and more and yet the lectures never stopped. I was chronically stressed out about my performance. I linked achievement to connection and hoped that with enough I’d be free of the lectures. 

I ultimately transferred this chaotic energy into eating disorders, workaholism, perfectionism and a lot of self criticism. 

This baseball season has been a great learning moment for me because it’s allowed me to remember this pressure and reframe what I’m encouraging and what I’m letting go of.


Make sure you grab my Free Guide to Managing Meltdowns. 4 steps to get you through your kid’s meltdown without snapping! 

Do you find yourself yelling more often than you want? Does it feel like yelling is the ONLY way to get through to your kids? But it makes you feel awful? You absolutely need my Free Guide To Stop Yelling This guide will walk you through the process of staying regulated and give you tools to use during high stress moments.


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Ep. 46 - How to thrive even with power struggles


Ep. 44 - What Are Grounding Techniques?