parent coach 

I teach parents how to choose their responses.
I help you break the cycle of reactivity. Yelling, anger, frustration and guilt. I share the transformational tools to stop reacting to your children and start responding with intention.

Turn conflict and chaos into cooperation and collaboration.

Create family systems to manage meltdowns and misunderstandings.

Build lasting relationships built on connection and trust vs. fear and control.

Learn how to parent for the future vs. in the moment discomfort.

Help your child build these life skills from the bottom up.

  • Parenting doesn’t come with a manual. Instead, we repeat patterns from our parents and their parents before them. The execution might look different but the root is the same. We parent from unconscious neurological patterns that are deeply rooted in our childhood experiences. In order to break the pattern we need to go within, repair and rewire so we can parent with responseable intention.

What is Responseable parenting?

  • It's an inside job

    If you want to see different behavior from your children YOU need to go first. We dive into your triggers, engrained patterns and unmet needs in order to effectively model the behavior you want to see from your children.

  • Simple Systems

    Next, we will create a customized system to help each member of your family move away from reactivity and towards connection and collaboration.

  • Empowered awareness

    You will have such clarity and insight into the developmental and neurological stages of your children you will be armed with empathy and compassion.

Parent overwhelm is real!

Most of us have been taught that we need to yell, bribe, threaten, control, and punish in order to change our children’s behaviors.

But there is a better way! As your coach I will guide you to a deeper understanding of your children and provide you with lasting, effective, connective skills that will not only empower you as the parent, but your children in all of their current and future relationships.


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