Ep. 46 - How to thrive even with power struggles

In this episode I give you a framework to follow when you find yourself stuck in a power struggle with your kids. This isn’t a rigid script to follow, rather a framework to assist you in some of the most frustrating moments in parenting. 

When our wants collide with our child’s wants - we end up feeling resistance. WE understand that feeling and we might have some coping strategies, but more often than not we feel like we have to justify, explain or force our way to end it. 

I think what often happens is we go to extremes. We either give into their resistance or we go hard and power over to get what needs to get done, done.

One of the smartest things we can do as parents is just to drop our side of the power struggle. That means we just don’t take the bait and jump into the boxing ring with our kids. 

1: Drop our side of the power struggle

2: Focus on our nervous system: Ep. 44 here: https://bit.ly/3Vrs1lO

 3: Make a statement 

4: Give them a choice 

When we follow this framework everyone wins. We hold our boundary, what needs to happen gets done, our child feels validated and seen and they have a bit of control of how it looks (even if it’s not their ideal version).


Make sure you grab my Free Guide to Managing Meltdowns. 4 steps to get you through your kid’s meltdown without snapping! 

Do you find yourself yelling more often than you want? Does it feel like yelling is the ONLY way to get through to your kids? But it makes you feel awful? You absolutely need my Free Guide To Stop Yelling This guide will walk you through the process of staying regulated and give you tools to use during high stress moments.


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EP. 47 - Progression of Low Self Worth Loops


Ep. 45 - High Achievers