Ep. 44 - What Are Grounding Techniques?

I am really excited about this episode! I share a brief overview of the nervous system and why we feel the way we feel in triggering moments. I also break down how to start reading your body’s cues so you can utilize grounding tools to regulate your nervous system and show up the way you want vs. reacting from a dysregulated state. 

You’ll get several practical in the moment strategies to use to calm down, even just a tiny bit. Regulation doesn’t equal calm, regulation is being able to access these tools and choose your response even when you’re flooded with emotions. 

For this week I’m opening up my community group! You can tap into even more nervous system regulation techniques and take the workshop co-hosted by Nervous System Expert Tanicia Baynes

Don’t forget to use the code PODCAST to get $10 off your first month!


Make sure you grab my Free Guide to Managing Meltdowns. 4 steps to get you through your kid’s meltdown without snapping! 

Do you find yourself yelling more often than you want? Does it feel like yelling is the ONLY way to get through to your kids? But it makes you feel awful? You absolutely need my Free Guide To Stop Yelling This guide will walk you through the process of staying regulated and give you tools to use during high stress moments.


The community is currently closed. Subscribe to the podcast and stay tuned for the next time the doors open :)


If you would like to be a guest on the podcast and troubleshoot what's going on for you in real time, please fill out the podcast submission form. I look forward to connecting with you!  

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Ep. 45 - High Achievers


Ep. 43 - “You’re Mean!”